Tuesday, October 5, 2010

SCIENCE: Night Time Talks

Right before bed, the kids are interested in talking about all kinds of things just so they can stay up later and not have to go to sleep. So, on nights where we don't have a lot going on (and especially on nights when Daddy is working late or off somewhere), I start the bed time routine earlier and we have our long talks. Its early enough that I don't feel so rushed in getting them to sleep but being in their room ready for bed helps wind them down. Then we have special talks.

Often our discussions are of a scientific nature. We talk about how plants grow, about gardening, about the weather. We talk about animals and creation and how God made everything. One of my daughters likes to talk about cars and driving.We talk about stories from when they were babies, which often leads to other discussions. For example, one of my daughters was born premature and had to be in the hospital for two weeks. So we talk about hospitals and about illness. We then talk about how our bodies work and learn body parts.

We use this time to talk about questions they have. How do you make paper? How was our house built? What is it made of? If its raining here, is it raining in the next town over? How does God make it rain? How are raisins made? Sometimes they stump me and I'll have to look it up, but it makes for interesting discussions.

Sometimes we review things we have learned about or talked about during the day. Its low key discussion, quality conversation, but the kids are usally very attentive, wanting my attention as the day ends. I look forward to our night time talks and try to make them special.

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