We have begun working on it diligently with our children and it has led to some great discussions and some great time of worship as we sing hymns together.
My husband and I had taught from this book at a Wednesday night kids program at our former church (back when our oldest child was a baby). This book works great as both a curriculum in a church setting as well as just family discipleship.
I like the structure of it because it gives us a concrete goal of what to memorize in Scripture and forces us to talk about spiritual truths. Some example of spiritual truths taught in the catechism: Who made you? They respond, "God made me." What else did God make? "all things." It progresses into questions about man's fall, God's character and nature, etc.
Scripture memory includes (at differing age levels) John 3:16, the Lord's prayer, the Ten Commandments and Psalm 23. Hymns include "Jesus Loves Me," "Holy, Holy, Holy" and the Doxology.